Our Staff
Leon Bell - Principal
Hannah Rose - Assistant Principal
Travis Pain - Leading Teacher
Jenny Donald - Learning Specialist
KaMan Wu - Business Manager
Rebecca Hatcher - Admin/Wellbeing
Karina Matschke - Admin/ES Team Leader
Monique Costa - Admin/Reception
Jenny Donald F/1D
Simone Rafferty - F/1R
Travis Pain - 2P
Zena Hughes - 3H
Andy Parthenopoulos - 4P
Linda Lieschke - 5L
Mim Tsantis - 6T
Brendan Drummond - S.T.E.A.M.
Jake Davis - PE & Farm
Han Hung - L.O.T.E.
Jen Richardson (Kitchen)
Luke Cerato (Farm)
Marlee Ward-Davies
Claudia Trani
Ashley Gan
Scarlett Hatcher
Andrea Tilley
Linda Langford
Tracey De Vall - DSM
Our Staff are ongoing learners
At Streeton Primary we set high expectations for ongoing learning and growth. Not only do our students make learning growth across all areas of the curriculum, but so too do our teachers using a Professional Learning Community approach to learning (PLC).
The PLC approach at Streeton involves collaboration, sharing and ongoing critical analysis of teaching practices in line with professional standards in education. Our PLC is learning oriented and promotes the growth of teachers and students across our school.
Why use a PLC approach?
• PLCs are more effective in ensuring that school-wide pedagogical changes are sustainable (as opposed to teachers working in isolation).
• PLCs help develop teacher confidence and self-efficacy.
• Students achieve at higher levels in schools with positive PLCs.
• PLCs encourage and build effective leadership and management.
• When teachers across a school implement the same learnings and strategies, they create a consistent learning experience for students.
** Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership