Enroling at Streeton PS
Streeton Primary School are currently taking enrolments for Prep/Foundation, as well as across all year levels, both in and out of zone.
How to enrol:
Step 1: Book a tour
A private school tour with our Principal is a great opportunity to see our school in action. We will take the time to have a comprehensive discussion about your child’s individual educational needs and we can also answer any specific questions you may have. Check out our whole school kitchen, permaculture farm, water oasis, flexible learning spaces,fantastic amenities and facilities.
To experience the wonderful school that is Streeton Primary School book here or contact the school office on (03) 9435 6070 and organise for a time to come a view our amazing facilities in person.
Step 2: Fill out an enrolment form
As a requirement, we will need some paperwork filled out and returned to us.
You can request, fill in and return enrolment forms to us via streeton.ps@education.vic.gov.au
Alternatively, drop in and pick a form up from the school or call us and we can mail one out to you.
Learn more from the Find My School website.
Foundation Enrolments
Is your child due to start school in 2025? If so, we would love to welcome you at Streeton Primary School.
Discover why Streeton Primary School is the right choice for your child. Click here to go to our Foundation Information page.
2025 Foundation (Prep) enrolments
The Department of Education has released an updated statewide Foundation enrolment timeline for the 2025 school year.
The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation at a Victorian government primary school, including Streeton Primary School.
All government primary schools will follow the timeline in 2024 to support Foundation enrolments for the 2025 school year.
You can find information and resources about the timeline, including factsheets and a poster at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep). You can also download the ‘Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Information Pack for Parents and Carers’ at the above link.
We are currently taking enrolments for Foundation 2025 from all areas (no zone restrictions).
Once your enrolment has been accepted, we encourage your family to take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2024.